
Mickey vs Bad CGI Gator (The Mousetrap vs Bad CGI Gator) Blog

  (Credits to Bored Seba) (Credits to Crimgon) (Credits to Fenic.V) " I laugh a lot in horror films. If I'm scared of a horror film, I try to think about what's scaring me... particularly, if it's a bad movie, but something they're doing still works. It's the same way I look at comedy. I've always had an intellectual view of comedy, and what makes people laugh, and how it works. " - Jason Reitman Intro Mickey , the masked mouse murderer from The Mousetrap. Bad CGI Gator , exactly what it sounds like from Bad CGI Gator. In 2003, cinema was forever changed when The Room was released to the world. At first people rejected it, calling it the worst movie, but later everyone would realize. The movie wasn’t just bad, it was perfectly bad. Tommy Wisseau had unintentionally made a movie that was so bad, that it was good. Overtime, other “bad” movies would attempt to chase this phenomena, embracing their corniness and being great movies as long as you turn off...